StartupMooV is a system extension that I wrote to become familiar with programming for QuickTime. It allows you to select a QuickTime movie which will play every time the extension is loaded at startup time. To select the movie, hold down the option key while the extension is loading. You will then be presented with a file dialog box allowing you to choose your QuickTime startup movie.
StartupMooV is compatible with System 6.0.7 and up. The QuickTime extension must be loaded before the StartupMooV extension.
Features I intend to add in the future
Ñ Choosing the startup movie via the control panel
Ñ Ability to preview the startup movie
Ñ ???? (Open to any suggestions from users)
StartupMooV is absolutely 100% free. Feel free to distribute it as far and wide as you like, but please keep these instructions together with the file so people will know how to use it. If you have any suggestions, comments, etc. please feel free to contact me via: